Flawless Romance Bouquet
Item: T19V21
The definition of romance! Celebrate your love with classic red roses in a shimmering, mirrored glass keepsake vase with modern twisted design. This romantic arrangement features 12 premium red roses and lemon leaf. The most popular version has 18 red roses and the premium version has 24 red roses . Approximately 20" W x 24" H
1. Price
Shown $99.99
Most Popular $144.99
Premium $189.99
* This item is unique to our flower shop and can only be delivered to an address in the Twin-Cities delivery area.
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This item is professionally arranged by our designers and can be delivered as early as Monday.
In most cases, same day delivery (except Sundays and Holidays) is available to twin cities areas if the order is submitted by 4:00pm.