Garden of Serenity Bouquet
Item: AT229-1A
Our Garden of Serenity Bouquet of all white flowers features a porcelain likeness of Jesus designed by famed artist Stuart Mark Feldman. A sacred choice to send to the church or funeral home, this religious arrangement evokes divine grace and Christian purity. This bouquet of all white flowers includes roses, Asiatic lilies, stock, snapdragons, freesia and is accented with deluxe greens around a porcelain Sacred Grace Jesus figure.
Approx. 16"W x 22"H
1. Price
Classic Shown $99.99
Most Popular $114.99
Premium $129.99
2. Delivery
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Delivery information
This item is professionally arranged by our designers and can be delivered as early as Friday.
In most cases, same day delivery (except Sundays and Holidays) is available to twin cities areas if the order is submitted by 4:00pm.
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