Wrapped Up Bouquet
Item: C-615
Lush red roses, fresh Winter greens and a festive, gold mirrored glass cube are all wrapped up with red ribbon for an elegant, unforgettable gift! This bouquet of deep red roses and spray roses, red carnations, maroon miniature carnations, green holly, noble fir, white pine and lemon leaf is dressed up with red velveteen ribbon and gold ornament balls. Delivered in a stunning gold mirrored cube vase.
Approx. 12"W x 12"H
1. Price
Shown $59.99
Deluxe $74.99
Premium $89.99
* This item sent outside the Twin-Cities area is $10.00 more.
2. Delivery
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Delivery information
This item is professionally arranged by our designers and can be delivered as early as Monday.
In most cases, same day delivery (except Sundays and Holidays) is available to twin cities areas if the order is submitted by 4:00pm.
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